Schnauzer Sunday

No not a dog but  a turkey hen who likes to eat off our feeder remnants! She is hilarious. All by herself.

Weekend is gone just like that.Boo hoo. I am not ready to Monday yet. Until I get my head right for work here are some photos from the last few days. Dogs gotta be cute no matter right? Thank goodness for cute dogs!

Gretchen and Bernie sharing the reclining couch (Gretchen was there first!)

ready for bed
tuckered out (this is rare)
Dog bed for two!
Ollie says what’s for dinner?

Oh and we did purchase one thing this weekend (finally) we have been shopping for a side by side for months now. We finally decided on the Kubota 500 so we hope to get that this week or next week at the latest. I am so excited to get it!! It is so cute and easy to go for a spin in. Looking forward to using it on the farm!

How cute is this??

How was your weekend? We did a LOT this weekend around the house, and I did actually ride yesterday but today it threatened storms all day and has been muggy as a well..let’s just say it is muggy!! Bugs are horrid. Summer is here. I am not fussing (at least it is not raining OR cold…). Ha (I remember saying you guys could smack me if I bitched about the heat)! 🙂

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13 thoughts on “Schnauzer Sunday

    1. yeah…its not that hot but the sun is intense and the bugs are epic already. Remus was out from 630-9 or so and is now tucked into his stall in front of the fans. Spoiled!


    1. YES we love our Kubota tractor so it was easy to go to the dealership and try theirs. I loved the spin on this little RTV so I look forward to enjoying it on the farm!! And if it can’t be purple orange is okay 🙂 HA!


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