Schnauzer Sunday

Ollie wants Monday to stay away a few more days!

Everyone think good thoughts for Gretchen. We did a cytology on her bump on her side. I took her in for a check up and we decided to check it out since it is growing. She is also down to 15 pounds so that isn’t good. I am hoping we figure out what is going on but knowing schnauzers…it might not be good news. She is still fiesty and beating up on Bernie at times so she is happy enough.

I assure you even though she looks dead (she has no teeth on that side so her tongue hangs out) she is not 🙂 Also you can see her bump on her side they shaved it a bit so they could stick it.

IMG_2921I am also increasing her food to see if I can get her weight up. Fingers crossed the lump comes back just as a fatty tumor. This is not my first schnauzer with a lump sooo..let’s hope.

IMG_2994Bernie is living life large per normal. She goes to daycare at a new kennel once a week and they love her there. She loves our dogs but is a bit timid with new ones so hope this helps with her socialization. She is very sweet to everyone she meets though.


Ollie is still enjoying his (note HIS) farm vehicle. IF he can get a ride it he will at all costs.

Ollie be cruising…

Ollie and Bernie have started playing as well lately which is hilarious. Ollie really never has been very interested in playing with Bernie so it was great to see them start to interact this weekend a bit more. Gretchen loves to play but gets exhausted. She is still good at refereeing. (leave sound on so you can hear Gretchen with her bark at those two)!

Otherwise busy weekend at the farm again! And HOT HOT HOT.

So pretty though right? even if it is bugs and heat! 🙂

And while the show was a bust (more tomorrow on that), someone may have been ridden? Who you ask? Stay tuned. 🙂

#backyardbuckskin is my new hashtag and I sure think it fits. Remus is asking what you doing taking me away from those fans? 🙂

6 thoughts on “Schnauzer Sunday

  1. Fingers crossed for fatty tumor! I had a shnauzer when I was little and we lost her to cancer, is that a common ailment for the breed? Conversely, P has all sorts of fatty tumors on her. If she has to have one, fatty is the way to go!
    All the pups look adorable as always ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes i have lost three schnauzers (one to lymphoma, one to brain cancer, and one from possilby lymphoma but maybe something else). Unfor they are very prevalent for cancers, diabetes, cushings and bladder stones….but for some reason i keep acquring schnauzers 😉 The other two are mutts so I hope they are healthier in the long run! Thanks!


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