Luna Lovegood, Moaning Myrtle, or? You decide

Luna continues her mare-like shenighans with being in heat nonstop. We decided to bite the bullet and start her on Regumate definitely since she was trying to mount the other mares as I mentioned last week. So far I am not sure she is any better but let’s hope.

Meanwhile she has been practicing her lunging! AP was nice enough to send me videos of her trotting her stuff (and cantering) AKA Luna not AP!

Luna has some fancy fancy moves under that lazy self of hers.

But then I got in a messaging conversation with AP about how Luna is more Moaning Myrtle than Luna Lovegood. AP never got on the Harry Potter train but I know some of you did!

So here is a vote!

Luna is Luna Lovegood or Moaning Myrtle?? Or someone else?

Luna (bit nuts but mostly harmless)

Myrtle (really a Debbie Downer, whiner, maybe even a bit of a slut??)

Dudley (spoiled brat, nuff said)

Voldemort (crazy entitled psycho)

Happy Monday!!! How the hell is it Monday again already??

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