Luna Update (Good!) and Remus Update (Not So Good)

First off apologies, but I woke up with a horrible cold on Saturday am and you can guess how great it was to spend three days pretty much in bed rather than enjoying my long weekend (Oh I did still go out and wrap Remus’s foot which was pretty hilarious as sick as I was.

So if my rambling does not make sense (Even more than usual) let’s blame it on the Mucinex.) Okay then.

Luna (the Good)

Luna is doing great now that she is on the Regumate. I got a nice screenshot of her last week and then a few riding videos of her in the big ring (!!) and cantering (!!!). These are videos of her first being asked to canter and she looks willing and good to me. I mean yes a baby but yes trying very hard to be good and do what is asked. Amazing.

She has a few more weeks with AP then I have to figure out what to do with her next. I don’t think I am ready to have her with me as we all know what a chicken shit I am. Let me get my brain back to 100 percent and I can think about it all.

Remus (the Not So Good)

So Remus, last you read, had a vet appt last Tuesday for basic maintenance work. Remus said quickly hold my beer and I will show you a vet appt. Yes my perfect unlame horse for 12 years: Was head bobbing LAME. I looked at the vet and said I didn’t go to vet school but even I can see he is lame.

me to my horse…

Diagnosis: Possibly stone bruise, definitely reactive to pressure. He was also very sore all over so we threw everything at him (Remember, remember event camp is 2 weeks from yesterday FML).

Adequan (for general soreness and maintenance)

Equioxx (to help with pain and inflammation)

Muscle Relaxers (Not sure why and I stopped giving them to him after a few days this horse does not need relaxing!).

My horse does not need relaxing (louder for those in the back)

Lindsay and I soaked the hoof for three days and then we have been wrapping with an epsom poultice and now with magic cushion. Thank goodness my horse is a saint for this stuff. He has not been lame at a walk at all and he is even less bobbling at the trot and is showing no sensitivity in his hoof or back area anymore. But he as the vets say ADR (Aint Doing Right).

So after my first 600 plus vet bill, I am hauling him to the clinic tomorrow for next steps to figure out what is wrong.

Meanwhile event camp options:

  1. Find another horse to ride (No Luna is not ready LOL)
  2. Find someone to buy my event camp entry (Umm it is a lot of money I will be throwing away but then someone could get a steal because even half value I would make some money back. if all else I would be willing to give the slot to someone who can’t afford to go but would LOVE TO GO.
  3. Hope and pray Remus bounces back. If he does I could just go and do the dressage and not jump (Which would suck but is doable)
  4. No matter what I am heading to GA so I can see Luna!

SO now you are updated on my shit heap of a life. You are welcome 🙂 How was your weekend??

that is a big bag of meds Remus!

7 thoughts on “Luna Update (Good!) and Remus Update (Not So Good)

  1. Wow, Luna is looking super grown up! And I hope Remus recovers quickly.

    The last clinic that I signed up for was a few years ago. Unfortunately, I ended up not being able to attend and lost my $250 deposit. I still feel sensitive about that! So I understand your wanting to attend or find an alternative you can live with.

    Either way, I look forward to eventually reading all about your trip to Georgia!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. First, Luna is looking like a real horse! Yay!
    Second, Booo Remus. What is this nonsense? Maybe pull a lyme titer? Usually when they’re sore all over that’s where I check first. I hope whatever it is, that he’s feeling better asap!
    Third, I also wish you lived closer to Amanda so you could take Henry to camp. I hope you can find a horse to borrow, you need to go do something fun with horses!
    Lastly, I hope you’re feeling better!

    Liked by 1 person

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