A Glimmer of Light

First off, I have a sinus infection (YAY ME) but went to the doctor on Weds and got meds so hopefully on the mend before I head up to DC for work for next week.

SECOND, Remus went to his doctor and got a semi-clean bill of health! And I used my trailer for the first time since moving here. HA He was pretty sound trotting on concrete at the vet and she poked and prodded him all over including hooves, back etc. and he was nonreactive. So much so we decide to NOT do xrays yet (and pull shoes) and tentatively head to event camp. I will take it easy there with him and realize we may not do all the things but we can do some.

(Sidebar and a total other post later but a certain buckskin is 1200 lbs on the vet scale. Egads. Serious weight loss post coming!)

THIRD, Luna is still doing great re AP. She said she is going forward better and better and really turning into a solid citizen. The only time she gets a bit jiggy is tacking up but nothing rude just moving a bit around as saddle goes on. Considering before May she hadn’t had much more than basics done that is a win.

Note the two crops hahahahah it works she says!

Now to find Luna somewhere else to go for a bit to get some more miles on her as AP is moving north. Never dull right??

Happy weekend all. Thanks for going on along on this crazy ass ride of my life!

3 thoughts on “A Glimmer of Light

  1. So glad Remus is feeling better! And I hope you are too!

    Shiny is starting a very strict diet this weekend, and she’s gonna HATE it.

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