Nothing To See Here, Move It Along….

nothing_to_see_here_naked_gunSo work demands, weather issues, and just lack of time has ground my blog writing to a halt. And I can’t even use Rolex as an excuse as I am stuck in Delaware still.

Sigh. And haven’t even ridden that much lately. I need a lesson STAT!

I am on about ten deadlines at work right now so find myself early to work and late to leave and usually so brain dead after a day at work that I can barely find my way home and get something together for dinner let alone go see Remus. Once these deadlines are done, I should be better. SHOULD.

Competitions (Or Not)

I did not sign up for Fair Hill and after the week I had it is probably good I did not (No jumping, no riding = Remus and me being tired and grumpy competing and not being prepared.

Sometimes this is my whole lesson…when I get a lesson LOL

I feel okay about that. I am hauling Jess and Starbar from my barn to Fair Hill for the Into level and I have quite a few people showing there(Tanya with Moo the cute Appy in the Intro too…..‘Fraidy Cat of blogland fame (AND CHARLIE, I get to meet him WOOT, WOOT) will be in Elementary.

Recognize this handsome fellow?

And I think a few of my other friends are riding in the higher levels. So a fun day will be had by all (Especially me, as no show day nerves and no jumping means a laid back me!).

I DID sign up for Blue Goose Combined Training the day before Fair Hill. Cause why not? Even if i haven’t ridden much, I enjoy those type of events. I went out to meet up with someone there last week (in the rain ugh it was gross, you people did great with that weather!) and hadn’t been to Blue Goose in a while and refreshed my memory on how it is a very nice facility with great footing so it will be good to go and do a dressage test and then a stadium and then go home! That we can do.

Though I hope we can get Remus in the big scary dressage ring (disc3d-boo-11101360.jpglaimer it is a lovely dressage arena and very posh, Remus will think there are boogeymen around every corner.Sigh the fancier the ring, the more he looks)!

I love those kind of competitions because we get to do some dressage (Not fun) then jump some show jumps (Fun). I don’t get the cross country there but it is okay I have plenty of time for that (I want to do a cc schooling at Fair Hill soon if anyone local wants to meet up the next time)!


I did get five seconds  yesterday in the middle of proofing to pull up Sally Cousin’s dressage ride at Rolex. Someone at the barn texted me to tell me. So I got the feed going just in time but then completely forgot about watching anything else (WORK!). I need to catch up on what happened yesterday.  I love following along (and of course I am also keeping an eye on our other well-known locals….) I figure the900facebookpony will have updates daily SINCE SHE IS THERE, so am looking forward to reading those!


My husband and I have a 5k to run on Sunday. It is for a great cause and we run around the local mall area so it is a decent course. It is supposed to be 87 on Saturday so am hoping for better (cooler weather) on Sunday.  It is for a great cause too. You can still sign up if you are local. If not here is more info on the cause: Fusion Inclusion Delaware! Do I feel like running? Nope. But we will run! I never feel like running….but sometimes you just gotta say…wtf. And run.



5 thoughts on “Nothing To See Here, Move It Along….

  1. I’m going to try and get out to Fair Hill on the 7th if life doesn’t get in the way so maybe I’ll get a chance to meet you (though Remus will have to wait). Of course the way things are going and the amount of work i’m downing in… I need to start riding my horse again too…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oooh exciting Sarah!! And Michele I look forward to seeing you again there – we will like be setting up a pretty legit tail gate at the trailer so all are welcome to come and hang out!

      And I probably WONT be an absolute tense disaster like I often am, bc I’m too busy being grateful for entering the 18″ division. WE CAN DO DIS!!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

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