I Got Nothing

This has been our view for the week so far. Rain rain rain. Seriously gross. The good thing is flies are not so bad with this, the bad thing is SO MUCH Rain. Mud pit and so on. Gross.

Salty is back home

Luna is in big time heat enough so that it is disrupting her training and she may have to go on regumate to try to regulate her so she is in the land of the living and not lala land trying to mount other mares (Yep).

Bernie has thoughts about the rain as well!

Remus is happy because rain means he doesn’t get ridden. Event camp is upcoming. I may have had an oh shit moment when I realized it is a month away. We will be fine, right? Everything is fine….

Me most days

Happy Wednesday!!

6 thoughts on “I Got Nothing

  1. LOL oh Luna. We’ve been getting all the rain too but it’s been drying out very quickly… and then the flies and mosquitoes. You can’t win!


  2. OMG Luna lolololol Whisper was that way when she was younger – not the mounting other mares part, but sidling up to any horse possible when she was in heat lol. I’m sorry it’s been so rainy! Hopefully it clears up soon!


  3. Seriously though with the rain. It won’t stop!
    Al is on regumate in an attempt to help his feelings. We do the every other week shot rather than having to handle that stuff daily. Stupid expensive but seems to help.

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