Ode to Spurs (The Heel Kind & The Riding Kind)


Heel Spurs

Had a follow up with my foot doctor for my heel spur. And the news is ugh. (When he pushed my heel he almost had to peel me of the ceiling!)

I now have a immobilizing boot to wear as often as possible to try to help with the healing of the heel and the tendons. (I neglected to tell the doctor that I am running the Main Street Mile next week and Fair Hill 5k the following but shhh we won’t tell him that, I will be good otherwise)! HA the good news is riding actually is the one thing  I CAN do as that stretches the tendons the good way! So I hope with cooler weather coming I will get some rides in. The bad news is that my inlaws are still here so I might miss out on some riding on Saturday with Emma and others that I would have loved to do. Such is life….grumble grumble.

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Ollie says more time for me if she wears that clunky boot!

The foot doesn’t bother me unless I have to walk a lot or if I sit for long periods of time. So yeah most of the time! Fair Hill should be fun(albeit agonizing). What I won’t do to hang out with Austen and Emma! It actually feels pretty good today from wearing the boot and taking the prescription so HEAL HEEL!


Spurs You Ride With

I bought the coolest pair of spurs from Amanda. Her oil slick ones? LOVE THEM and they are longer than most of my spurs so they work excellent for prodding Sir Remus along. But the weirdest thing happened. I wore them at Fair Hill in September (first time wearing them in fact). And then put them in my helmet bag with my other spurs, helmet and gloves. And when I went to wear them for Emily’s lesson part of the oil slick is gone. It is still showing on one spur. But one half of the other spur is colored and the other is gold. They still ride great (of course they are spurs no matter the color LOL) but I thought it was odd that almost all the color came off of one. I mean I would expect they both maybe would rub off some but not exactly half the side of it. I may be scratching my head on this for a while..and because I am an idiot I keep looking to see if the color has returned.


The cooler weather has arrived finally, things might start happening now! Amazing how a cool breeze can invigorate you as you stand outside shivering at 6 am with your dogs! Have a great weekend all! Hope it is cool and breezy where you are and lots of horsey plans are in your forecast!!

Some things are moving re saddles, so stay tuned!


12 thoughts on “Ode to Spurs (The Heel Kind & The Riding Kind)

    1. just odd a whole side is gold but the rest have the sparklys. And i could swear at Fair Hill there were more slick color…it is fine. Just thought it was funny. And that i was going crazy (crazier) HA!


  1. huh that’s bizarre about the finish wearing off so quickly! and ughhhhh foot pain is the absolute worst. blargh. i have basically old lady feet so i feel your pain there. fair hill will be worth it no matter what tho!!! 😀

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  2. Ugh about heel but hopefully the boot helps. Ouch! I’m super bummed to miss out on Fair Hill Saturday too. I could probably make it too even though I should work, but stupid colic gave Batt the weekend off anyway. Well played, well played. (Another week goes by where I don’t have to open up my tack compartment and hunt for bees.) Oh well, I get to lead some trail rides Saturday and Sunday instead… Not as much fun.

    I still love those spurs!

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  3. Ouch with the heel spurs! Foot pain is seriously the worst. The balls of my feet get really bad when I’ve been on my feet for a long time. I’ll probably end up like my mom with plantar fasciitis and double knee replacements lol. OMG yes on movements in the saddle department! Super excited for you! Can’t wait to see how that develops :D. And hopefully you’ll get more saddle time!

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