Where Did All This Stuff Come From?

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None of my animals helped in any way at all. Hmmph

So a funny thing happens when you start purging your household contents. You find stuff you forgot you had! We have worked all weekend on cleaning, purging, and loading the dumpster. In fact me typing this blog, my fingers and knuckles actually hurt typing. My knees are killing me, my feet hurt, my calves hurt, my back hurts. Okay I am just one big old knot of hurt. LOL

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I wish I had a Mary Poppins about now!

But the dumpster is pretty much full. Our house looks pretty good. Cleaners arrive this morning to clean (so dogs are going to daycare and cat is getting put in garage, sorry Peeves). Things are moving. I still haven’t ridden or even SEEN my horse (Time suck is totally the cleaning/purging/loading, ask me how I know). We have been busy from 730-8 am to 730-8 pm at night both Sat and Sun so weekend time was minimal. But we need to do this and it is better to do it when Mark is still here with me. SOOOO Remus went to the back of the line. And I have to go to dad’s later this week since my sister is away so I probably won’t see Remus till the weekend unless I can sneak out tomorrow. I kind of think he doesn’t miss me that much except for the carrots.

Crazy how much stuff you accumulate over 9 years!

But anyway, we keep finding stuff. Mark found about 8 (Yes count them EIGHT) blankets and sheets I cleaned last year and tucked away in a tote in the garage. Oops. Can a horse have too many blankets? He also has 3-4 sheets at the barn and 2 or 3 blankets. Oops again. Luckily these ones we found are still clean and sealed in their plastic bags so they are packed and ready to travel to TN!

We found receipts from our wedding (16 years ago this year). I found a checkbook from when we lived in Austin (14 years ago), we found papers from three houses ago. We found the original listing of this house we are in now (which inspired me to move the buffet in our dining room out in the garage to make the room look bigger) and I also moved all the horse stuff out to the garage. Amazing when you declutter how much bigger even a teeny house becomes.

Our tiny house (soon to be for sale!) Obv this photo was from nicer weather 🙂

One realtor will be here tomorrow to take photos for the market analysis and another needs to come as well (the relo requires two realtors).  These are just for them to figure out what to ask and tell us what we need to do not to put it on the market yet. We need to do a few things first before we can do that and I honestly can’t imagine living in this house with two dogs and a cat and trying to have showings. But at least we are moving forward.

We are flying to Memphis the week before Mark starts his new job to check out the area for a couple days then will fly back and get Mark packed and on his long ass drive to TN. Whew. I haven’t packed all my show clothes but am thinking of going ahead and doing it. I just don’t know if I will have time to squeeze in an event here before I need to head down. We shall see.

So has anyone else felt the awesomeness of purging your household contents? I have two big goodwill bags ready to go, we gave stuff to neighbors and coworkers. Our garage is packed but neatly with boxes and things that need to go. I really really need a vacation. Too bad I don’t think I will get one anytime soon. And it is finally starting to get warmer later this week but rain rain and more rain. Sigh.

Ranger even has an epic side eye! SO CUTE.

I did have one side trip this weekend where I got to meet Ranger and watch Sarah ride but I will let her tell that story but Ranger is even CUTER in person (and bigger) and I know now why she wants to steal him. Sarah even jumped the evil fence of death (it did not look that bad in person) and lived to talk about it! YAY

Hope everyone had a productive weekend (but hopefully  you are not as sore as I am LOL).

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What I feel like doing all day long….

20 thoughts on “Where Did All This Stuff Come From?

  1. Rangy ❤️❤️❤️ Thanks for coming out! Too bad you didn’t see the spikes on the death jump. They really ARE there… I complain every week about that jump. Every week I have to jump it. I still don’t like it. Can’t wait to ride outside. No more death!

    Your house is adorable and I can’t believe your dumpster is full… and your cat is Peeves? 😂 off to attempt to make a dairy and gluten free birthday cake… let’s hope no one dies…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was a nice picket fence. No spikes at all HA!……and yes my cat is Peeves. Thought you knew that 🙂 And the parakeet i had before was Percy. All Harry Potter all the time. Ollie is Oliver 🙂 Gretchen is the only one who got away with not having a HP name. AND REMUS OF COURSE ! Ha….

      I hope the cake went okay….I can’t believe my dumpster is full too!


  2. Yes purging is great! When we moved from our old house in Vegas to the one we have currently (thankfully it was just across town) we never realized how much stuff we have! UGH and I know your pain. I’ve been working long days and the weather’s been crappy (wind rain wind and more wind) and because I’m trying to actually box things up in an organized way all the little things take SO MUCH TIME. It’s really crazy how that happens! Well, I hope you can see Remus before the weekend and at least get some smooches and cookie giving time in!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. oh man, if you have any energy left after clearing all that stuff out do you want to come and purge my old useless junk too????? pretty plz???? lol…. sounds like a satisfying but busy weekend tho! and that’s awesome that you got to go meet Ranger – he seems like such a cool horse!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. no thanks. NO MORE moving. Mark even said this is it no more moving HA!. Ranger was amazing and the highlight of the weekend! (Besides finding that I own about 8 more Amigos HA HA)….


  4. I’ve been cleaning out the closets, and doing one area of disaster each weekend since. I’m not going anywhere, but my house was starting to look like a hoarder’s hovel, so it needs doing. I found all kinds of good stuff! Including but not limited to my birth certificate, the title’s for both cars, and enough pens to supply an entire high school.

    Bummer that all that kept you from playing ponies, but I’m sure it’s a relief getting it all done!

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  5. How does so much clutter and stuff find its way into our houses??? Part of me wants to move just so I’m forced to get rid of a lot of stuff!!!! And my husband has just spent 2 days cleaning out his parents’ house AFTER they already moved to the new house. So much leftover crap…and he brought some of it home too (I was NOT happy and have made him promise it’s going on Craig’s List ASAP)

    Good luck with the move!!!!! And I’m sure Remus will be happy to not be ridden in the rain 🙂 hehehe

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    1. ugh my dad’s house is a nightmare. Mark said this weekend just think what we could get done down there. As bad as our house was my dad’s place will be worse. UGH. (I put stuff out on the lawn and posted on the Nextdoor app and everything went!) I put bookshelf out, four kitchen chairs, a coffee table and a desk) VIOLA GONE 🙂 HA!


  6. Just call it a serious start on some Spring cleaning! (Maybe if we keep doing Spring-things, Spring will actually show up to the party?) Matt and I have been in the house not even 6 months, and I already want to do a purge of stuff hahaha

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  7. Giiiirl – we purged about half our stuff when we moved north yet you saw how full that moving truck was! And I still do a seasonal purge – yet the attic is still full. I blame the elves and fairies who magically transport items into our house while we’re sleeping. Good luck with the realtors! And enjoy the TN visit. Probably a beautiful time of year there.

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