Horses Are Silly Sometimes….

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When it comes to horses sometimes!

I went out to take my board check and Remus’s new salt block (he eats them like candy!) the other night and my friend Brooke had moved her mare to our barn. Remus knows Petra and was happy to see her again. However, Petra was in a small paddock while her two new pasture mates in the field next to her promptly went down the hill and disappeared in the big field. Petra was having a fit and this big tbred mare would have no problem clearing the gate or fence so Shawn decided to go ahead and turn her out with the two since they all seemed okay.

whut dat? dat Petra. Me LOVE Petra….(Says Remus)

What does this have to do with Remus?? Well Remus and company (Sterling and EB) were in the field that is more open and they decided to swap fields with Remus and with Petra’s group. Remus and friends were out grazing happily and we meandered out there to catch them and move them over. All was fine and then we brought Petra up to turn out with her new friends.

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Definitely Remus and Sterling on most days…

Well Remus and Sterling pretty much lost their tiny Beavis and Butthead minds. Petra and the two other mares decided it was RODEO time and proceeded to leap, squeal, kick and then leap again. Remus and Sterling and EB decided this was much too much fun to miss so they started running too.

Three stooges at times…


I stood there for most of the acrobatics before I realized I had my phone in my back pocket (I so smart right?). So I started snapping photos. Mostly of this gorgeous buckskin (his color has gotten SO dark!) who I didn’t recognize cause he had his head up so high.

Come back pretty mare…please..

They finally all settled down and resumed eating but there were some shenanigans going on for a while. We all stood there and watched, none of us ready to leave until we knew they were settled. Horse people. We have to be the only kind of people to stand outside in the heat, swatting gnats, watching horses leap and play, and not mind! HA

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I have been to dad’s in VA since Sunday. Heading back to DE on Weds. I was at doctors with him yesterday (just routine stuff) and literally could only read blogs not post. UGH. Then his internet is SO slow it took me an hour to finally get the photos uploaded for this short post. Fun times eh??

Update on Gretchen, her xrays were good (though they found two chips in her, one is from the rescue we got her from, the other, who knows. it is an old chip LOL).  So she gets the lump removed next Monday! Wish us luck!!
Can you believe a week from today the movers are at my house? BLECH! And a week from Friday our closing is scheduled for the house in TN. Time is flying!!

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Not crazy I am freaking OUT! LOL

24 thoughts on “Horses Are Silly Sometimes….

    1. Regal is not a word i usually associate with my horse HA. I am excited but also want to vomit most days. LOL I am nervous about the ride to TN too. Its me and the dogs with the horse trailer.. 🙂


  1. oh my, Remus looks extreeemely handsome in those pictures all puffed up like that haha!! goofy horses…. glad things are kinda sailing right on along this final week. we’re gonna miss getting to see you so much at horse shows but i hope you really end up loving TN!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wait, so Remus was running around on his own volition? I don’t believe it! Haha! Sounds like he had some fun!
    So happy for the good x-rays on Gretchen. Fingers crossed all goes smoothly for her.
    And also for you with the move! All happens so fast doesn’t it?!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES it was a shock. HA HA HA.and he kept on RUNNING. Cause Sterling (who is a tbred/irish bred horse) kept running and he was like gotta keep up. TOO bad he doesnt run like that on CC HA HA HA


  3. Dislike. And it’s really hard to try and write comments here and when you’re texting me… I’m trying to figure out who I’m writing to. You or YOU. SO, no, you can’t have Jiminy, but yes, I’m going to miss you! So, maybe you just can’t leave? Or else Jiminy and I are going to have to come visit?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ha ha just think how i have upped your multitasking skills. You are welcome 🙂 HA HA HA HA (and Jiminy may be in a Kingston next week heading south, watch out I know where you live)


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