Wonderful Weather and Tate Update

Happy ponies eating grass on a cool morning this week…

We had about five days of lovely lovely weather. I was all by myself so didn’t get to do much but take care of Tate’s foot but it was crisp in the am and never got above 75 each day. YES PLEASE.MORE! Today we are back to a heat index of 99 by afternoon. BOO HISS. COME BACK NICE WEATHER THANK YOU.

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I just got hooked on 70’s show never watched it in first runs but use the term DAMN JACKIE all the time now LOL

My in-laws and hubby made it back yesterday from VA (They left Weds to beat the storm that ended up going south anyway). My dad will probably get some effects from Florence but just rain and a bit of wind maybe. Whew. They evacuated Chincoteague on Tuesday so you know they were scared there. I hope everyone in NC/SC/GA or wherever it goes are okay and safe!

Now onto Tater Tot (as Sarah likes to call him) HA.

Old vet applied bandage two days after application (Note see how the other foot has the same wedge chip in it, fifty bucks we get an abscess there sometime sigh)

His vet-applied bandage did actually last the two full days. I give that vet props. He got that bandage on right. IN fact it took me about 20 minutes to get that bandage off to change. And we got to see Tate’s true colors. I have a feeling this cute pony who kids jumped was sedated for most things. Cause he may be small but he is mighty.

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Tate was fine for me to take the wrap off but he does NOT like to stand still. AT ALL. So it was like harnessing a hummingbird to get him to stand still. He danced and moved and acted like a moron. He is scared of EVERYTHING too. I am like you showed A Rated you sillty pony how can you not know what vetwrap is, leadline is, shavings are, concrete is an so on.

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Me to Tate….

We finally had a come to Jesus meeting once he threw the bucket across the aisle and decided to melt down. After we had that talk, he stood but he trembled and I was like I don’t care you may be small but you are going to BEHAVE! Remus retreated to the paddock and watched warily. HE KNOWS when mom is mad.

He can be a brat but he KNOWS when Mom raises her voice you had better listen 🙂

Anyway we finally got it done. Meanwhile I had Ollie tied outside the barn and I could hear the damn Coyotes behind the lake and it was almost dark. I finished feeding everyone and settling them for the night and made sure Tate was eating hay  before grabbing Ollie and heading indoors (I think I may have scared the hell out of Tate but he had forgiven me by the next day, actually that night he came over for a pat before I left the barn. I think he is just really really a stupid, dufus pony, he has no meanness just STUPID like sometimes he can’t even find his hay in the stall. STUPID HA).

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He has been totally sound on the foot since two days ago so he is def on the mend. I didn’t give him his paste bute till midday yesterday after our escapade Wed night and he hates it (it is mint flavored/ WHY for a horse? DOES HE CARE ABOUT HIS BREATH??) He takes it well (go figure I don’t even have to halter him for it) but he hates it and twists his lips up after and won’t eat hay for like 20 minutes. Next time I will ask for the pills to crush up. I feel so bad watching his little twisted mouth after it. It is like he wants to spit it out but is scared what I might do if he does LOL!

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Tate with his bute….

So come back cool weather, please that would be great. And Tate let’s keep a brain when I change your bandage tnite!! Thanks!

my bandage not as good as the vet’s but has been on for almost 2 days now YAY ME 🙂 (There is a doggie diaper under all that since i had no regular diapers HA)

Any fun plans for the weekend? I am still on in-law duty so……and it is supposed to be hot.

7 thoughts on “Wonderful Weather and Tate Update

  1. It’s FINALLY getting a little crisp in the morning. It was actually 68 this morning when I headed to work! I am not excited for winter, but after the heat of this summer I’m oddly ready for winter lol. I’m so happy Tate is feeling better! And good job on the wrap! I always feel that pride too whenever I can do a bandage like a vet LOLOLOLOL.


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