Schnauzer (and Other Critters) Sunday

Fat buckskin actually out in field eating this morning! Amazing. He lasted an hour before wanting back in (humidity was quite bad)

So due to bad weather (20 minute away that is it never got here!) my lesson was cancelled last night. There were all sorts of warnings and alerts going on in our area but we had over an 80 percent chance of rain SINCE FRIDAY and we may have had two drops so far. SMH. So my lesson was cancelled and I didn’t get to ride and it was just humid enough I cut grass instead last night.  See my friend the tree frog I found when I went to move the trailer? How cute is he? He was under the cover for the hitch. I jumped at first then realized what it was.

I was going to ride this morning but humidity and pressing storms again stopped me. Maybe if this damn storm system passes us by again I will hop on later. Remus has been out all morning in the big field so the flies are better for sure.

He is so photogenic isnt he??

Anyway onto Schnauzer Sunday. The dogs are having a very relaxing weekend for sure.

Life is hard here for them. Snoozes all the way around and if there are fresh sheets on the bed even better they think. Rotten.  Speaking of rotten, the love affair with Ollie and his orange vehicle continues. I had the tractor out yesterday and he saw it and thought it was the side by side, and tried like the dickens to get into it but couldn’t get in. Ha. Not the same logistical entry, Ollie. He knows how to get into this one though. 🙂

Mine, says Ollie
No I mean it. MINE says Ollie

And of course we still have the raccoons. However I realized the small raccoon that came during the day is not a young one but one that has two babies. She brought them yesterday to the feeders. Now I can be mad at them but dang they are cute too!

And now the weekend is almost over. Back to work tomorrow. ICK!

Good luck to all who are traveling to the AECs this week!! We will all be following along!! 🙂

Image result for good luck gif

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