Visitors In The Night…

No not these visitors, real visitors!

Remus had a sleepover night with his new friend, Fidget.  Who is Fidget, you may ask? A very nice Thoroughbred horse heading to the AEC’s today. Hillary (Equestrian At Hart) emailed me the other week asking about options for layovers near Memphis as they were driving from TX to KY. And I had a list of barns for them but then said why don’t you just stay here?

And they did! They arrived late last night. It was Hillary and her friend Julie who both know Amanda so it is kind of a six degrees of separation thing how this blogging and horse world overlap. And I realized that Amanda and I have known each other for a long time now. Wow. Crazy how time flies. And I also realized most of us bloggers are pretty trusting. Never met, go to someone’s house in the night? Fine. Amanda vouched for me!

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Even though they must have felt like it was Deliverance driving up in the dark countryside last night, they got here and even got through my gate (which was a huge work in progress, big ass rig, tiny gate).

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What they probably thought they were driving up to last night.

I am still not sure how they got in. But they did! Then I told them to park it and we would figure it out in the morning.

Truly defines BIG RIG….

Remus was THRILLED TO HAVE A NEW FRIEND (AKA the horse Fidget that was visiting, he was very sweet but freaking tall as hell,  so tall!) for the night. And Remus was even more thrilled that Hillary’s adorable child (I don’t do kids usually and she is absolutely adorable) was around too for him to snuggle up to, Oh Remus. He would love to just live his life in a petting zoo.:)

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Ok maybe not this petting zoo 

Remus did not mind being woke up and having the barn lights on late at night. At all.

Hillary, Bea, and Remus meet cute (PS I asked Hillary for permission to use the photos of Bea, I am not that creepy I promise) 
Remus is all into kids.  He pretty much wanted to keep Bea and Fidget too.

And that was my Sunday night. Whew I am exhausted today. This morning we had the fun task of getting that big rig turned around to get out of my driveway but Julie is a bad ass at driving and got that done in seconds. (Helps immensely if it is not as dark as eff outside).


It was fun to meet Hillary and Julie and Bea and Fidget. I loved having people stay over and offered up my place to them both anytime they are coming through Tennessee. Ollie, Bernie, and Gretchen enjoyed the company too and I had to check Julie’s truck before they left in case they had stolen Ollie or Bernie or both! 🙂 They both met Mark too which is amazing since I think most people think he is a figment of my imagination! 🙂

I hope they come back through sometime. I might call my place Hotel California. You can check out any time you like but you can never leave. HA!

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Alas no riding was done with my horse this weekend but stay tuned. I just scheduled a lesson with the new barn on Friday morning! OMG I hope me and the fat buckskin don’t collapse from the exertion. I am pretty sure Hillary’s first words to me after seeing Remus were, “OH MY GOD HE IS SO CUTE…..and so fat”  Guilty as charged!

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Remus and me both.

14 thoughts on “Visitors In The Night…

    1. ha if he hadnt been so freaking tall I might have tried to steal him. He was a sweetie. But dang about 2-3 hands too tall 🙂 Remus loved him too! And that is a big nickname for a big horse 😉 HAHAHA


    1. might need enabling to find something for the second stall. One horse is enough right now with the heat and bugs but it was coolish this am and i started thinking what do I want??? 🙂 HA I am sure there are enablers that can help (AKA you, Emily, etc) HA


      1. You noticed my vague chestnut description didn’t you… I have your address. I’ll send whichever chestnut I’m not mad at at the moment. And you DID say you had really nice alfalfa so the chestnut that isn’t eating might like that… The mini roan isn’t up for grabs today. He let me catch him when he escaped (ie: walked out of his stall this morning because the gate wasn’t latched while fly masks were going on) this morning.

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