Well Hello Again

The days are flying by. I seem to have trouble actually writing stuff down so when I realize I haven’t posted in a while I stare at the white screen and think wtf do I write.

Remus is doing fine. He seems to be no worse for wear (except he needs a clip job sooner rather than later). His winter coat is in and our temps have been in the 70-80s so he has been hot. However we have cooler weather coming this weekend (high of 40 and low of 20s wtf??). So he should be more comfy even if I won’t be!

I had a great lesson on him on Sunday. We didn’t do a lot because again. HOT and he was sweaty before I got on. But he did everything I asked with no pissiness so the adjusting of his SI again seemed to have helped him out.

Mark is traveling again but hopefully once he gets home Thursday he is home for a bit at least mostly home. We shall see. Dad fell on Sunday and I had to get my wonderful wonderful neighbors to help me again. Seriously it takes a village. He is fine but he is just so damn feeble.

I did sign up for a clinic in a few weeks. It is a cross country clinic so maybe I finally will be able to run cross country albeit in a clinic situation. Knowing my current luck we probably will get 2 feet of snow that day. HA! And our local hunter jumper show is in Dec and they are having a dressage section so I am being talked into signing up for that as well. So things are happening.

Hope everyone is doing well and staying cool/warm whatever the weather is doing where you are. Now I need more coffee.

Happy Wednesday (yes I had to go look to see if it was INDEED Wednesday or not, it is. )

3 thoughts on “Well Hello Again

  1. The weather is nuts lately! It was freezing here (literally, we’ve had some frosts) and then it was in the 70’s. Then the 50’s. Now the 60’s. All over the place!
    Glad Remus is doing well despite the weather and feeling better. Sorry about your dad. That must be so hard.
    I hope things work out for your clinic and the show!


  2. That’s felt like my kind of week too. And our weather has been crazy! (but lovely) We’ve been in the lower 60s with rain and cooler nights (yay!) but with killer wind (boo) so it’s been alright. At least cooler than usual where it’s been in the 70s/80s! Crossing my fingers you get to go to that clinic!!

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