Day 08–The Barn I Board At (& Saddle Is Here)!


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Me seeing that Stubben box arrive..

I board Remus at a barn called Prevailing Winds in Landenberg. It is a small adult-only barn with about 10 horses, let me see there is Lakota, Rico, Aria, Remus, Star, Stella, Sterling, Moonie, Pskova (not sure how to spell her name), and Molly.

ring and barn
Ring and shot of barn in background.

It has a lighted outdoor ring in a beautiful rubber footing. The stalls are nice sized and the barn was an old mushroom house many years ago so it is built into the ground making it cool in summer and warm in winter. Remus has an indoor stall toward the bank part of the barn but the outdoor stalls have doors to the outside (full screen) as well as to the aisle of the barn.

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They go out in the day in the winter and in the summer at night. The care is spectacular. Quite a few of the horses there are older so are under special diet, etc. Never do I worry my horse is getting too little or too much food. The hay is great quality. The family that run the place and own it, live there, and they are just really the greatest people to have taking care of your horse (especially if you aren’t around for a week at a time sometimes!).

outside stalls
Shot of the outdoor stalls facing out. Pay no attention to the buckskin blocking the view!

Shawn will get Remus up for my farrier if he isn’t up already. She will do any care you need her to do. Dentist? She will arrange that. Blankets on, blankets off. Yep, done too. Supplements or special food (Not that he gets any special food), no problem.

The aisle in the barn is concrete, the stalls are on a pelleted bedding that makes it dusty but the stalls are so nice and dry you never have to worry about thrush! Nice day? You can cross-tie under the overhang out the main barn door (See Remus photo above). Crappy day? There are cross ties in the wash stall (cold and hot water, thank you very much) or in the aisles.

The tack room is huge. No overcrowding here. My big tack truck and all my bridles and my saddles (when I have more than one oh yeah I do now!) have plenty of room. There are chairs and a table too so if you want to sit and chat you are in out of the elements whether cold or dismal or hot and muggy. There is even a real bathroom that flushes.

There aren’t a lot of trails nearby but considering we are a 10 minute haul to Fair Hill that sure is not a deal-breaker. There are jumps in the ring and dressage letters. The pastures are split in small groups and have some steep hills so work that booty Remus when he is out grazing. If the weather is crap they still go out but she puts them into a paddock with a shed so they have the option to get out of the weather.

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Booty needs hill work 🙂

It really is the perfect place. If I can’t have him in my back yard this will do! And it is affordable! This week, I wished it had an indoor so I could try the saddle but normally I don’t miss it. If it is bad weather I probably wouldn’t ride anyway LOL! Or I would haul to Emily’s or somewhere with an indoor.

I had hoped to have more photos of the barn etc., but as I said above I was taking the saddle out to try on Remus and guess what. Yep DOWNPOUR all afternoon. Grumble grumble. I do have a lesson today so that saddle is going on him then! NO MATTER!

I will do a more thorough photo collection of the barn when the weather is better too since it really is a lovely farm.

Can a Saddle Be Too Pretty to Ride In?

Okay I have had this saddle 24 hours and still NOT RODE IN IT! I was hoping to get photos on Remus today but again the weather is NOT cooperating.  And it is 40 degrees out. WTF.

ANYWAY let me see if i can find enough light to get some photos of this lovely lovely saddle. These photos in my dim ass house do NOT do it justice. And the leather is not grainy at all but soft but it looks crappy in these shots but it was the best I could do on a dark gloomy day.

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Love the back of the saddle. very classy I think!
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See grainy leather and not great color in photo, it is gorgeous in person!
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AGAIN much prettier in person. It even looks dirty in this shot and it is not!LOL

Hopefully by the next post I will have RIDDEN in it! Fingers crossed for me thanks!

Do All the Riding!

It is a big week for riding (And possibly the last hurrah with weather being okay). I have a lesson with Sally today at Straight Up (and barely going to get it in without it getting dark fast UGH). And riding with Sally at St Augustine cross country schooling on Saturday and possibly doing the Andrews Bridge Paper Chase on Sunday. Whew REMUS will be tired. And it is going to be COLD. High of 40 on Saturday.  But must make hay while sun shines (OR ride my horse when I can actually do so LOL). Happy Humpday All! The weekend is coming!



8 thoughts on “Day 08–The Barn I Board At (& Saddle Is Here)!

  1. That sounds like a wonderful barn! It’s lovely! I wish we had more green over here lol. And gorgeous saddle!! It’s so difficult (I think) to take pictures of saddles. They never do the saddle enough justice and saddles seem to be those few items that you can never just see a picture of. You have to be able to see and feel them for yourself. But I am crossing all fingers and knocking on wood that that saddle works!!

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