Sally Lesson at Kealani Farms: Who’s A Good Buckskin?

These two cats were very helpful during the lesson let me tell you. I jumped when I saw them even tho Tanya had warned me, I don’t think Remus ever saw them. So cute.

Sally Cousins is positively a spark of sunshine on a gloomy day and makes you laugh very hard but still convinces you  that you just might be able to jump the moon. Also my very good friends Tanya and Sarah showed up to  do media and just generally pick on me for leaving and moving to TN. So it was a very good day!!

Anyway on to the lesson. It was FABULOUS. I am serious. I really have to say considering how little I have jumped since last Fall, Remus was really really good. Again. Such a good buckskin pony. He was a bit of a nitwit when we got there (New boarder mare at barn that they all LOVE TO DEATH (literally hadn’t been there a day) and he was mad I was taking him away from her (MIND you she was in another field). So he almost ran me over loading and once we got to the lesson, thank goodness Sarah showed up to help me cause he was pretty lit up for Remus (I.e. half watt rather than no wattage but more Remus that I usually see).

But once we got in the arena he was down to business. He cantered every time I asked him with no real fuss (As long as I remember the inside leg. IT IS VERY Hard to retrain your body, I would catch myself moving my outside leg back and think NO the inside leg dufus and have to switch. Because the few times I did use my outside he responded a bit pissy (He did nothing, no bucks, but his tail would wring a bit). Poor horse has to retrain me!

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Yes my brain needs a treadmill

I rode with Gena who has put up with me before (her Thoroughbred is really coming along lovely such a lovely and careful jumper and so elegant) and a new girl Emily who was on an OTTB who was the cutest jumper. They really were miles ahead of me in horses and jumping but they both are taking their time moving up to higher jumps so it was fun to have two other people to ride with. We had a blast and there was lots of laughing but also lots of jumping!

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Ask Sarah, this is how he looks!!

Remus looks like a moth-eaten stuffed blanket right now. UGH. He is shedding but he also has those long hairs all over. I kept calling him a porcupine. His mane is atrocious. He needs his bridle path and fetlocks clipped. He looks like a Goodwill Reject. Sigh. If it ever warms up he can get a bath and a clean up. For now we just trudged on. Embarrassing.

My majestic steed…sigh:)

But the minute he entered that arena he was like okay point him at a jump and he was ready to go! Warming up, he was great, forward, we even did some stretchy trot which is huge for him. NOTE I had not ridden him since the Emily lesson. Man, I do love this horse. Because I know other horses would not be this polite let alone get to business right away after not being ridden for 2 weeks or more. Once we started jumping we all went over a cross rail just so Sally could see how we each were going forward and just to see  what we needed working on.

We all bounced over that like no one’s business and she was like okay then. I gave Sally a hard side eye at one oxer because it was so wide (she did end up moving it closer) but otherwise all the jumps were reasonable and I jumped everything she told me including the whale jump. Yay me. (Remus proceeded to snooze between jumps when it wasn’t his turn. We should have gotten a photo of that. OR he managed to get by Sarah or anyone else who would pet him while he snoozed).

And even though I felt like i was going to vomit the whole time it was all very good (Maybe having two other sets of eyes besides Sally too on me contributed to my nerves? Nawww, I am sure Tanya and Sarah were only saying nice stuff about me. NOT) 🙂

But I got lots and lots of media thanks to those two! I really do appreciate friends like that coming out. It is not that much fun to stand in a chilly arena and listen to your idiot friend make mistakes or laugh almost too much going to the jumps.

It was a great lesson per normal (No lessons are really bad, jumping while hard at least you have fun while dressage is way too much thinking. I think Remus and I both prefer jump lessons even if he was a bit sweaty when we got done (Long-Needled Porcupine, remember??). I however was NOT sweaty and when I realized that my extra coat I had worn into the arena had been picked up by someone other than me I was not happy either.

I am sure it was an honest mistake but I miss my jacket. I hope it shows up. I am just so glad I handed Sarah my keys rather than leaving them in the pocket of said jacket or I would have been hacking Remus home (no not really but still I would have been p’od if my keys had disappeared too!) I am sure Kym would have given me a ride home if needed as her lesson was right after mine! 🙂 (UPDATE: Melissa at Kealani just messaged me and they have my jacket, someone brought it back! YAY)

I have attached some videos of Mr Cuteness jumping. A couple of times you can see me hauling him up. He was way heavy a few times on the forehand and he has no clue he can’t jump that way. LOL We will get better (I hope). I am putting the whole album here so as not to overload media in this posting! Do not feel you have to look at all the videos, no one has to do all that!

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To all of you, my friends. I just can’t even imagine not being around here for these fun times…:(

Anyway a great day with great friends. I am going to miss this kind of stuff but hope I can find something similar down there in TN. Meanwhile here at home at Operation Clean Out, the dumpster comes today (along with a damn snow storm possibly tomorrow GRHHH) and we have started packing some stuff and the great purge of 2018 has begun. I can see the mantle of my fireplace again. And the kitchen counter is emerging slowly. I should have taken before and after photos.

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Fingers crossed its only a couple of flakes. If my dumpster fills up with snow I am going to be irritated. LOL

One of the relocation realtors called us on Sat and wanted to come take photos for relocation for market analysis asap and I was like hold on, sister. I gotta get this house straight first! HA. The new company does pay for packing but our house is so tiny we have to get some of it packed before we can even think about having photos taken!  SO MUCH STRESS! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!

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Nope not me. Not at all…




29 thoughts on “Sally Lesson at Kealani Farms: Who’s A Good Buckskin?

  1. Well – it is in the 50s and 60s in Memphis this week! so at least you can look forward to shorter winters!

    Remus looks fantastic. I love seeing him willing to stretch forward for the long step in the first clip, instead of sucking back for the chip. I am so jealous of your lesson. I haven’t had one since… November maybe? My trainer’s daughter just had a baby down in TX, so she is coming back a little later this year than usual.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He was truly fabulous and so willing. Really not the Remus I know all the time 🙂 LOL He really loves to jump which is funny since he also loves to snooze 🙂 I hope you get a lesson soon! Thanks

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  2. For the record, you left out the MINOR part where, in addition to Tanya and I declare the end of our friendship with you, Sally also agreed. So, it wasn’t just us. Just saying… Even Remus wasn’t impressed. Or maybe that had that was because he was missing his bay mare…

    Remus was on fire! He likes this whole 2 rides a month. And winter is his season! He looked fantastic! You looked like you were going to throw up so work on that, ok? The sound effects make the ride. The cats however got bored partway through and would have preferred a crash or some exciting fall. Just saying. Flips or dismounts so that they could have really judged. More acrobatics in the future, they got bored. Acrobatics don’t necessarily have to come from you, just from someone.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The struggle is real! He is NOT Heavy really but you have to push him forward and make him pick his damn head up. LOL He is a QH so i guess if he was going around like a llama i would fuss at that too THANKS 🙂


    1. Because i am a chickenshit? yeah. I worry about his fitness level is most of it. he is SUCH a good boy 🙂 And yes Sally is so funny is she not! ? I am still on cloud 9 from that lesson Sat 🙂 HA HA HA thanks for watching all of them 🙂

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  3. He looks so forward in those clips! (I watched them all lol) Go Remus! I bet you’ll be sorely missed where you are but I’m sure you’ll find something similar! And I’m purging too. So much stuff, right?! lol It feels really good to get rid of stuff haha.

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      1. I should probably just go back to QH’s! My junior hunter was appendix, and he was one of the best horses I’ve ever had. (Other than Rio obviously. Don’t tell the rest.)
        You guys are killing it! He looks like he loves jumping. Doesn’t bat an eye at the fences!

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      2. he is lazy as poop unless there are jumps to jump then he livens right up. You should see him CC! He is hilarious 🙂 I love him. He is so safe, i keep thinking a kid eventing him would have a BALL!


      3. That’s how Bud was too. In the flat classes I had to point him at jumps to keep his ears up. Although every so often he would get really wild and buck like bronco. NEVER let me fall though. He was such a good egg.

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  4. aw i’m so glad you got to go and have another awesome sally lesson, and hopefully not the last before you move??? good luck with the packing tho, ugh i hate packing 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. he does love his jumpies 🙂 Maybe not as much as Henry does LOL! but he has a bit of a fire when jumps appear 🙂 HA And it is cool out. Poor guy is not going to enjoy TN summers! HA


  5. Remus is the Dude!!! He is the cutest 🙂 And omg my husband is helping his stepfather move to Charleston (new job too!) and the amount of stuff that’s gone to the dump or ended up at our house is insane!!! I feel like we need to move just so we can clean out our house bc we have to much stuff and I’m not happy that husband is bringing MORE back!!! Good luck with everything and just think about warmer temps and delicious bbq when you get to Memphis!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Remus is actually MOVING. Dang! Go, boy, go.

    And I’m so glad someone brought your jacket back! OMG I would have been so distressed about that.

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  7. You two look fantastic! I want a Remus…maybe I will come steal him and you can have Gemmie 🙂 HA!!!!!

    Its nice that the person returned the jacket. let the purging begin!! We purged big time moving from WI to SC and then again from the suburb house to the farm rental. I love purging. I throw everything away and the hubby is a pack rat.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. are you back?? finally? 🙂 I hope you had a fantastic time. Thanks he was really really good for Remus that day. it was almost odd for him to hit most of the fences correctly HA!


  8. He definitely looked like he had a fire under his tail. The boot camp really helped with that I’m sure. Don’t you love when they are eager for the jumps?


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