Remus Is Ready For His Close-Up, Not Really

Lovely eye shot PC Shelby Wood

Shawn had a photography student come by and ask about using our horses for models and of course Shawn said yes. WHO doesn’t say yes to free photos of our horses?

Image result for i am ready for my closup
Remus probably…

Shawn sent them to me and told me Shelby would come back to do photos if we wanted (and of course I would pay her this time!) and I think before we move I will do that. She did a great job considering my horse was disgusting dirty and his mane was a wild nest of mess. HA. (In fact I was so grossed out by my horse’s mane I went to the barn and started pulling it. It looks better not great but less despicable).

We had a bonfire at our barn Saturday night which was great fun. A bunch of people were there and I stayed longer than I thought I would (maybe cause it was so darn warm finally). Saturday it was 88 at one point, by Sunday it was 40. This weather!

That is quite a bonfire right?

But I got to the barn early before the bonfire and was going to ride but Remus was sweating in his stall. SO he got shedded out and his mane pulled and tail brushed out and given lots of carrots. He was very happy with this. (Carrots buy his soul).

He may be a tad bit skinny now. I think I can see his hips a bit. Will have to take better photosΒ  so you guys can weigh in (HA Solid pun, get it??). The grass is coming in so I doubt he will be skinny for long and he looks fine but he always comes out of winter showing his age a bit (Not that he is old but he turns 15 in 4 days! WOW).

Got aΒ  mini Remus off of him almost…

His dapples are coming out tho the long white hairs aren’t yet. Love the SleekEZ though! Greatest shedding tool ever. Thanks for being my advisor for all things I buy Amanda from cheap to expensive. She never steers me wrong!

Okay this angle makes him look fat LOL!
Me dirty? NEVER….PC Shelby Wood
Keep on being you Weemus (he looks like a dufus here and is that mane NOT stunning?) PC Shelby Wood
Mane no better but at least he digested his hay for this one! PC Shelby Wood

I thought the photos she took are pretty good. Remus can be expressive when he wants to!

Meanwhile Mark made it to Memphis on Saturday. He went to look at a few houses Sunday with the realtor including a second showing of the Sunday house (update the other two houses were crap but our realtor did like the house from last Sunday. She is checking on a few things for us before we move any farther). After one night in his extended stay, he is ready to make an offer on something, anything. (I told him so!). Saturday night in an extended stay must mean PARTY TIME. He said it was loud all through the night! (He found out later there was a prom celebration going on there, the clerk at the desk comped Mark a free night because of it!). Hopefully Sunday night was quieter for him. He starts his new job this morning (gulp). That is always scary to me. But knowing Mark and his quiet British ways, he will go in just like David Brent (kidding)! HA Good luck Mark, have a fantastic first day. I hope it all goes spectacularly! πŸ™‚

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Don’t be David Brent, please Mark…LOL

Let’s get this week going so the weekend gets here faster. I have CC Schooling with Sally on Tuesday if the weather holds out (It’s supposed to be a HIGH OF 49 Tuesday and it poured its ass off all night Sunday night so who knows if it will be on or not. PLUS I woke up to a thunderstorm Monday am? GO home weather you must be drunk.) I expect a lot of fresh horses that day if it does go on. BRGHHH!

Then Blogger Trail Ride 2018 on Saturday! HA. Fun times await!! Come on week, let’s get rolling…(Though I do feel a bit like Bugs this morning!)

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22 thoughts on “Remus Is Ready For His Close-Up, Not Really

  1. So much going on! I got as far as being able to wash May’s tail and legs when it was 70 degrees on day… since then, it’s been raining and in the 40s. I just want to be warm… I don’t know why that is too much to ask.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Remus is still super cute even with his mane fro and hay in his mouth πŸ™‚ and what a fun busy week you’ve got! Hope XC works out for you guys and I hope the weather is lovely for your blogger trail ride!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Those pictures are awesome! He’s so handsome. Although they could be made better by his minion bonnet. Just sayin’. Hope Mark’s first day goes well and you guys hear something on the house front soon!

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  4. Hope the first day on the new job goes well for Mark!
    As far as weather, I’d take any semblance of warmth. It’s snowing here. We have gotten probably 8 inches. Oh and it all fell on top of a layer of freezing rain so I basically needed an ice pick and a shovel to get my car out this morning. AND I didn’t get to ride this weekend! UGH.

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  5. He’s got such a cute face! And I hear you on coming out of winter a little light, but like you, I don’t worry for long ’cause that grass plumps them up in record time. I hope your blogger trail ride is AWESOME!

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  6. She did a good job with those photos. I really hope tat the Sunday house works out and goes smoothly for you. You two need a big break in the house hunting. Yay for xc schooling. I dream of getting back out there myself. This weather is nuts. It was 80 and sunny Saturday and poured buckets all day Sunday with a high of 58 today. Yuck!!


  7. It’s not as crazy weather wise here but it did jump from mid-70s to mid80s and then drop down to mid-60s within a week. So that’s pretty crazy for CA. Luckily, Scarlet has shed most of his coat so the 80s weren’t as bad as I’m sure they were for other horses. Also, Remus didn’t look that dirty to me. Maybe that’s just me and my never washed horse view. lol

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    1. Nope he is dirty it is just Remus is DIRT colored which helps. But I remember one time riding with Sally he shook and a big puff ball of dust flew off. Not our finest hour πŸ™‚ HA HA

      I wish I could get Remus to shed but I am sure he is thinking this weather is insane too! πŸ™‚

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    1. The wind has been insane, i kept looking out the window to see if Jiminy would fly by from your place. And the deluge has been horrible. AND the thunderbolt that woke me this morning. We have had like five different weather systems since Sat. HA. Have fun in Pittsburgh πŸ™‚ Enjoy the snow πŸ™‚


    1. it has never grown not in the five/six years I have had him. NOW the tail is another thing. Longest tail ever….LOL he steps on it if i don’t bang it off every so often πŸ™‚ you can give me some of June’s thanks πŸ™‚

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