Blog Hop! 10 Questions in September

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If May as Well Event jumped off a bridge I would follow her probably, so when she did  this blog hop… I was like hmmmm….blog content. So one more blog post before I leave on our road trip! YAY!

1. Favorite quirk your horse (or a horse you’ve spent time with) has?

Whinnying whenever I walk out the side door (or arrive at home). Remus can spy my truck and whinny the exact instant I get out of it by the house. Not that he is greeting me, he just wants more food I know, but it is cute. I can pretend he loves me right (and not the food)?

Also he stands at the front fence by the kitchen staring into the house (#stalker).  That is a good one too.

Today I caught him flat out asleep in the paddock so I debated going and grabbing my phone but was sure he was dead (maybe) so figured that was in bad taste. Once I shouted his name about five times he jumped up and came and resumed his position staring at the front door waiting for breakfast.  Damn missed photo-op. It was like a beached whale out there.

2. Three adjectives that perfectly describe your horse?

  1. Fat
  2. Laid back (except when pigs come by)
  3. Easy going (unless, see above) aka not overly ambitious as well

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3. Plan your next ride. What will you do/work on?

Just actually riding. Actually my next ride may be the horse show on the 28th so riding AND staying on and not vomiting on my horse. Yes those are goals I can work on! 🙂

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4. Have you ever trained an OTTB? If yes, what was the biggest challenge?

Nope! Never owned a TB let alone OTTB. I have only ridden a few OTTBs (Henry being one of them!) in my lifetime. I know there are unicorns like Henry out there, but knowing my luck if I got an OTTB, it would be the devil himself!! Because Karma.

“borrowed” from Amanda’s blog! 🙂

5. Have you ever groomed or worked for a professional rider?

I interviewed once out of college out in northern VA for a groom position. I can’t even remember who it was  with now. My mom bless her soul drove me out there to interview. I am not sure if I would have gotten the job as I decided that I didn’t want to do it after all….so that went down pretty fast! HA. I don’t regret it!  I have been known to pinch hit with friends competing (hello Amanda again!)  but not sure I qualify as a groom more of as HEY YOU HOLD MY HORSE, THANKS.

6. Favorite horse and rider combination?

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I really don’t pay attention to the top names. I do follow my blogger friends relentlessly and there are some very cute pairings there!! I have my favorites. You know who you are!

 7. Have you ever ridden a horse at the beach?
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Probably trotted right where these ponies are resting!!

YEP! A bunch of times. (Living 20-30 minutes from Assateague/Chincoteague growing up had its perks). We usually went in January or February. No bugs at all and sometimes  you got a great warm day to go trot the surf. One time we had dolphins leap up beside us. Scared the shit out of me (not the horse I was on which was pretty amazing)! SO MUCH FUN. No real beaches where I live now!

8. If you could experience the equestrian community (i.e. ride and compete) in another country, what country would you choose and why?

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This is not my inlaws place. More’s the pity! HA

England. I have only been there once and was at my inlaws’ house the whole time mostly except for a night in London.  Would love to go out and ride in the countryside. It is so beautiful. Ireland would be cool too.  Not compete. JUST RIDE!

9. In your opinion, what is an item of tack that is given unnecessary hype?  

A martingale. I never have needed one. I used to think they were so ‘cool’ as a kid and wanted to ride with one, but now I realize the type of horse I ride I don’t need one. I realize there is a reason for these things.  But my horse’s head does not go any higher than he needs to put it! Aww Remus!

10. What was the first horse you rode called? Are they still alive?

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First horse I would have ridden would have been Dandy, my sister’s horse (Pinto gelding, my sister is 10 years old than me so she started this crazy horse thing for me). I was 6 or so when I rode him and I am 53 now so nope Dandy is gone. My first horse Pasha died about 12-15 years back I think. Dang I am old! Gee thanks blog hop. Ha

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