Moaning Myrtle Monday But Remus Still Makes Me Laugh

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We all have a bit of Moaning Myrtle in us I think…sorry if I seem to have a lot lately 🙂

Sorry for the bad mood that is enveloping this blog lately. I hope things will change soon! Tennessee is still in a hot phase. It was 95 yesterday. I had a headache since FRIDAY all weekend long which sucks. The sun made the headache worse too. UGH. Today I still have one and today it is still hot (going to be 90’s today) but there is light (or coolness) at the end of this hot as fire tunnel. The forecast by Thursday shows 60’s days and 40’s nights? Excuse me? 40’s? I don’t think so.  We shall see. I think Tate was telling me something with his spurt of winter hair (He looks positively Thelwellian now!).

Trying out beds with a headache:)

Some good things did happen this weekend. We finally bought a new bed. Our bed is old and lumpy and sunken and I have not been sleeping well for a while now. I am hoping the new bed will help. We actually got on the cool foam wagon so ugh it was a lot of money but if it helps us sleep better I am all for it.  It gets delivered on Tuesday  (as in TOMORROW) so I am even happier about that. One more night on a lumpy mattress!

So many choices!!

I also bought a headlamp finally this weekend. I have a hard time handling two dogs to go outside at night (they are not allowed loose at night at all so they both are on leashes) with a flashlight. Plus I knew I was going to have to start feeding in the dark at night soon in the barn. So I went to Lowe’s and bought a not very expensive one. AND I LOVE it. I may look like a dork wearing it but no one can see me that far off the road and it helps. Now for cold weather to come to kill or at least negate some of the gnats and mosquitoes that flock to my headlamp and we will be set.  I went out Sunday evening after dark to check horses and give a couple carrots out and I love how it lights the way out there. Our property is very spooky at night so it is definitely helping me a bit braver!

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me to my farrier

I need to hound my farrier today. He is back now and I need Tate’s feet done stat (his feet are a MESS) and Remus needs a damn shoe put on (and trim etc). I never did find the other shoe but whatever I need to ride THIS WEEK. I sent in my entry for the CT on the 27th of October and I am going away next week. HA I am an idiot. But I signed up for Green as Grass and then for the cross country schooling….so I can do a walk trot dressage test and jump small baby jumps for the CT and then school the bigger stuff if it is not too hot on the cross country course later. About the only way to push me is for me to pay out the money ahead. So I sent it on Friday. Gulp.

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Why yes I am! Nothing new there 🙂

I have to pull his mane sometime and actually get on the beast. And a thousand other things but what the hell they say these are very low key events. I sure hope so! HA

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Remus to me…

Anyway onto Remus making me laugh. I have tried and tried to get him on video but he knew I was watching and would not do it.  The mornings are dark so it takes a while to get out there I wait for it to be a bit light out and sure enough the halter is laying in the middle of the aisle and Remus is standing there with an innocent look, who me? Not me. YES YOU. He does the same in the evening too.

I literally took about 10 videos yesterday before feeding and almost all of them are just like the two below. He knew I had my camera he was not going to do it on cue. NO, not Remus.

False Alarm # 1

False Alarm # 2

If you watched every one of the false alarm videos you will see this. He looks to the left, he either backs up or considers sticking his hoof out and then he turns to the halter. EVERY TIME. And I knew he wanted to grab it. And then FINALLY I GOT IT. What a brat.

Remus wanted me to shout at him and when I didn’t he just dropped it. HA. But anything I leave by the door he will toss into the aisle if he feels like he isn’t getting fed fast enough. I guess I should be thankful he doesn’t chew on them or pull it in the stall to ruin it there.

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Come on FALL!

Anyone else having a Moaning Myrtle type of Monday? Did everyone have a good weekend? Was the weather better where you were? Is anyone having Fall-like weather right now?? Can you send me a sample of that?? Thanks!

22 thoughts on “Moaning Myrtle Monday But Remus Still Makes Me Laugh

  1. ha good for you for entering the CT anyway! that’s how i do things too: nothing like sending in that entry fee and putting something on the calendar to make me get out there to make it happen! also Remus is too cute with his halter, even if it’s naughty 😉

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  2. cheeky pony.

    fun fact sara taught me about the headlamp – i went to get my horse in the dark and they were all terrified of the headlamp. however if you use the RED light setting on it (your lamp probably has one) the horses can’t see it and wont run snorting and terrified away from you in the dark!

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    1. ha my horses (well Remus anyway not Tate) don’t mind it….at all I went in with it on last nite to give carrots and didnt even turn it off till I remembered Tate might be curled in a fetal ball in his stall HA he is scared of everything. But i do l like the red setting it is still light but much more subdued!


  3. Remus clearly needs to go back to work so he stops throwing things in the aisle. Hurry up farrier!
    Glad you entered the CT, sounds like it will be a lot of fun and low pressure.
    The weather is nutty here, and I’m watching the boys very closely because of it. We’ve had nights in the 40’s and some days in the 80’s, some days in the high 50’s. Up down up down, etc. Nuts. The weekend was pretty nice, but never did see the sun which is a little depressing. But I went to a horse show, and JUMPED! And no one died!

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    1. I saw you jumped and lived 🙂 YAY…..yes this weather is bad here too i mean it will be like 50 degree differents IF it gets to the 40s Thursday. that is a bit intense.

      I KNOW he is bored. He is fat and bored. LOL. And he does run laps in his field now which cracks me up. He busted past my window the other day like a damn race horse (well not really but he was going a fast lope) HA!


  4. 60 will be nice! We’re supposed to get 70’s and 50’s at night so just a bit warmer than you 🙂 Hope your farrier comes soon and gets all the ponies taken care of bc yay!! A CT!! Sounds like fun!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I will believe this cooler weather when I see it but 70s and 50s sound nice too! 🙂 And he hasnt called me back yet GRHHH (I called him at 9 am this am) Sigh…and yes we shall see a CT will be fun i hope 🙂


  5. Hopefully your new mattress helps you sleep better. Yay for the CT!! Sounds like a solid plan of action. W/t and baby jumps are awesome 🙂 I get to finally lunge Doofus this evening and see if the hella expensive shoes made him sound. I’m dreading it a bit. But mostly excited I may get to ride again. I put a fun shoe on my schedule for December and I’d like to actually get to go to it

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  6. Oh my goodness, Remus, that is too funny. I love how he is so tempted to do it in the first videos and is waiting for you to say something hahaha! It is only 50 here right now at 2:45 and yucky overcast, so you can have alllllllll this grey fall weather from Maine. 😉 So exciting that you entered the CT. Nothing like giving yourself an immediate goal to get motivated! I always say it is a good thing I show or my tack would never be clean haha.

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    1. He is not a mouthy horse so it is funny to see his personality come out living in my backyard. He literally comes to the front of the house to stare at the front door if he thinks it is time for hay, water or fly spray. LOL

      ugh yes i dont want it to cold yet!! FOR SURE…..

      and yes only way my tack gets cleaned. Speaking of i did clean my bridle and saddle but gahh my boots are prob mildewed even in their bag. The humidity here. ICK…..


  7. ME!

    I have been a bit sick since the flight home from overseas but it is just getting so much WORSE, and I have to come back to work because I just took two weeks off 😦

    I want to ride but B still isn’t ready as well.


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  8. Head torches are the best! Yay for entering the CT, you’ll be fine and once Remus gets a shoe on you can crack on and have fun. Hopefully with a better sleep from Tuesday!

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  9. What a cheeky little beasty!! So excited you are doing the CT and schooling soon, YOU GOT THIS! I also had a bit of a Moaning Myrtle Monday when I got to work and their wasn’t a single spot in the parking garage that I pay $450 a year for. I had to circle and wait for someone to leave, which made me 11 minutes late to work- and I am NEVER late. Like ever. SO RUDE. That definitely started my Monday in a very grouchy mood!

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  10. Headlamps are the best. My dad builds stuff for fun and is a big proponent of having all your hands free. He’s gifted them to me and my sister over the years. I’ve lost mine in the various moves in the past decade but I probably will try to get another soonish.

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