Remus Is Back Home!

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Remus, part psycho part happy guy?

Remus enjoyed his stay at Summer Camp. The last few days he spent inside there in front of his fan due to a loosened shoe (THAT IS STILL ON TODAY SOMEHOW??).  Now he is not adverse to standing inside in front of a fan BUT he also likes his grass. As I unloaded him off the trailer on Friday evening, he almost ripped my arm off getting to the grass in the yard. Umm, not starving fellow!

He has settled back into his normal routine. The nice thing is I can let him out around 7-730 pm not 930 at night due to the flies being so much better (there are still some of the bomber horse flies around that get him but at least not as bad). He has also manage to leap and canter around some (AKA when the dogs bark or some shit that sets him off) and still kept his shoe on. Miracle? I am hoping my farrier comes tomorrow like he promised last week.

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me to Remus’s shoe staying on another 24 hours or so.

I let him in the front field the first full night he was back. AND HE RAN AWAY FROM ME when I tried to bring him up (SEE BUGS are better usually he runs to the gate). So me and Ollie had to go take the side by side out in field to catch him (He still tried to run away but I caught him with the dog leash and in my panic put his halter on backwards. So sue me at least I caught him). Doesn’t he look offended? Brat. I didn’t want him out all night on that pasture. Since then I haven’t let him back out there until his shoe is fixed.

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So abused. Not.

His foot looks bad. His crack has expanded and I hope my farrier can fix it so it stays on. UGH. He may have been reading the Mania in the Middle blog.  I must not let P influence Remus in his life choices HA!

Remus also lost no weight at Summer Camp. If anything he gained some. Oh Remus. Once he gets his feet done I hope to haul out to get a lesson in this week. Fat Buckskin needs some riding stat. I have someone coming to cut the tall grass in the front field for me again (yes I have a tractor but with that terrain it is better to pay someone for that, here’s hoping he doesnt get in the pond again HA!). Once that is cut and if it stays cool in the am I should be able to start hacking up there again. Lots of plans. Things could go crazy in an instant but for now I am wishing and hoping!

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And last but least, I got more hay for the fat boy. I was so pleased the hay guy texted me and I was able to go get 30 bales this weekend. He should have two more cuttings and I hope to get a bit more but right now my storage area is at full capacity. I don’t feed Remus a lot of this alfalfa so it lasts a while. I have tarps on it now to get the moths off it (and have strategically hung moth ball bags around the barn, ridiculous these moths! UGH). It is gorgeous hay and I got a great deal buying it out of the field.

I could eat this myself it is so clean and green! 🙂

Remus is a lucky horse. Workload is insane right now so back to work I go. Hope everyone had a great weekend and welcome to Monday (groan).

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off to work (okay I am already at work) I go!


20 thoughts on “Remus Is Back Home!

  1. Since you are SO ASKING for advice, I am going to give you some hahaha. It might not sure doing a white lightning treatment on that hoof. It looks like some moisture got up the hoof wall causing some of the separation.

    I bet Remus is back to being at home where his every. single. need is fulfilled.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. White lightning, white vinegar, and a heavy duty ziplock bag. You can duct tape it on his hoof while it soaks. Keep him in stall with hay in front of fan for 30 minutes and then remove. You don’t use a lot of liquid (4-8oz total? You’d have to check the bottle but it really helps)

        Liked by 1 person

  2. White lightning, white vinegar, and a heavy duty ziplock bag. You can duct tape it on his hoof while it soaks. Keep him in stall with hay in front of fan for 30 minutes and then remove. You don’t use a lot of liquid (4-8oz total? You’d have to check the bottle but it really helps)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So, my previous horse once got a hoof crack from hell that looked like that (although… worse, to be honest) and I actually had the vet out because I’m a nervous nelly (horse was NEVER lame). Vet took x-rays to ensure nothing was compromised in the foot (it wasn’t), and it turned out the crack started small due to shitty feet/hard ground, but then migrated to a hole left by an abscess and the crack got way worse, really fast. My vet and farrier ended up working together to dremel out the dead parts of the hoof, and then my farrier used epoxy to cover the hole in the foot until it grew out. It was a pain (and expensive) but the crack did get better and the horse never took a lame step!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh thanks yes my old farrier up in PA did the epoxy for a bit when it first showed up (like 7 years go) and it helped then it grew out a bit and now it is back. UGH. My farrier is pretty much not a specialist so I am hoping he can help. Otherwise I might have to haul to a diff farrier. I miss my farrier in PA (this one is perfectly okay but not a gem if you know what i mean) UGH.

      Glad to hear you have had similiar issues!! Thanks.

      So far Remus still has his shoe (HOW I dont know) and is still sound!


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